Wednesday, October 06, 2004

short and sweet

well i'm sitting in the computer lab again, yippee. rather pissed about the twin's loss tonight, but atleast we kept them damn yankees fans quiet for a little while. i'd just like to say, be prepared for a good story or two after this weekend. i plan on making somethin happen. . . .


Blogger Logan Clark said...

If you can't make a riot in Makato then leave it up to me. Burning cars and shit gonna be coming from Yoda.

Logan also has deep-dirty affection for the Dick

11:32 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am the man with the plan. And my plan happens to include molesting the Cock next time I have the chance. Just giving you a heads up.
Foss, I got a feeling your whole family is going down.

8:51 AM  

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