Sunday, November 14, 2004

Avast, ye computer is back!

i finally got my computer back, yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i can spend countless hours wasting time in my room rather than getting homework done. they say computers are wonderful tools for homework but i actually find it a giant distraction. maybe i'll spend more time in my dorm room now though. and i can finally look at all my naughty sites that i felt too ashamed to look at down in the computer lab.
well, having my computer now possibly spells good news for my blog cause i actually might feel like adding to it now and then. ass for now, i'm not feeling too expressive. i mostly just want to surf the net for useless information and peruse my buddy list for more acquaintances to chat with.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Um, Tom says that climbing of the rec center is a goal for the weekend. So you two can make a competition out of that. It will be a blood alcohol to speed type ratio.
And, yay for your computer.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

my idea for a contest is see how fast we can take down a party ball, get good and fucked up, how's that sound?

12:18 PM  

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