Thursday, December 02, 2004

this one goes out to big penis. . . .

hey, big penis, you should grow some arms with hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb each and type some shit. i want some bloggin action from the man with the mark of the beast. no, not 666, the hair tattoo of an alien mav. repsent bitches! anyway, i just felt like callin you out and sayin that if you don't post, i will lash you with insults the next time we come in contact. however we will then probly have a cold brew or two and have a nice little "talk with jay" if you know what i mean friend of mine. just askin for a little more up to datin on cloud town from someone other than the brainchild that is logan c. the wild m.c. i just rhymed c with c, sign me to a record label. anywho, peace to those who be with it.