Sunday, November 12, 2006

gym rat

so i understand people are fond of technology and whatnot, but i don't understand why people use it so much. case in point: cellphones and mp3 players.

i understand wearing mp3 players at the gym and whatnot for workin out. but why do people need to wear them 24/7? "hmm, i'm on my 5 minute walk to class, sounds like a great time to listen to my favorite song." no, put it away. i know music is great and all, and i enjoy it too, but you don't need it that much. not to mention, how much power are people probly wasting by listening to their mp3 players all the damn time?

here's something i really find hilarious though. people. . . at the gym. . . .talking on cellphones. why the fuck do you need to carry around your cellphone while you're lifting weights? what can't wait the 20 minutes you need to finish your workout? are you really that desperate for attention that you need to carry your phone around in hopes of someone getting a hold of you in between sets?

i don't know what people's deals are, but your life doesn't need a soundtrack and you don't need to bring your contacts to the gym.

meanwhile, it'd be pretty sweet if this whole plan to buy a ps3 and sell it on the net works. i could use some major coin.


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