Monday, February 06, 2006

wrap your mind around that one, dude

i've always been really into philosophy, i like thinking about pretty deep issues, but i was totally tripped out today. in sociology we were discussing a few different philosophies of social development and personality or the "Self".

well first of all, we tackled this question as it somewhat pertained to the "Self" and the sociological imagination. everyone has heard this question: if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise? i always had my answer to this: yes it does. i've always been a science nerd so i know how the laws of physics apply to the situation. the tree falls, it hits the ground, it causes vibrations, and the vibrations cause waves through the air which are sound.

today, my answer was changed. the tree doesn't make a sound because no one is there to hear it. sound doesn't exist unless there is something that can perceive it. the tree falls, the air moves, but there is no sound unless there is an ear drum for the air to bounce against. and it's only at this point that air hits the ear drum which goes through it's whole complexity of nerve pathways that it is interpreted by the ear as sound. so basically, there is no such thing as sound unless there is an ear to hear it.

this brings us back to the sociological concept. who am i? who are you? what is the very base of who a person is? everyone is given some sort of role based on their relationships with others. i am a student, but only when i attend class. i am a brother and a son, but only when i am with my family. people may think their master status determines who they are, but how does that role mean anything unless there is someone around to recognize it. when you are lying in bed at night with no one else around drifting off to sleep, who are you? what is the innermost you, and is there really such a thing unless anyone else is around to recognize it? much like there can be no sound with out an ear, can there be a "Self" without anyone else to perceive it?

i guess it goes along with existentialism, but it's not physical, just conceptual. do we exist if no one is around to see us? we are all one thing, energy, and a vast amount of forms. as animals, we are able to perceive that we exist, but is that a truth or just a perception? is life real or is it just an idea? how is a dream any less real than what we experience when we are awake? when we dream, we think it's real, so how do we know real life isn't just a dream?

too many questions that can never have a good answer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, so now take an eighth of mushrooms (psychodelic kind) and ask yourself those same questions.... either you won't want to think about them, or you'll come up with some really good answers.
these are the kinds of things i used to discuss with a bunch of people when we'd trip at my house in the cities. pretty fun stuff to think about.. here's another one:
what is time? what is it in a tangible sense, or conceptually? a lot of people just say, it's what's on the clock... it's a measure of the difference in time from when we first started measuring it. but that does not DEFINE time.. it mearly is a measure of its passing. if you accept that as an answer, then how do we move through time? if we are able to move through time, what exactly is it in that sense? stuff to think about, but not all of the time or you just don't ever do anything productive because there can never be answers to those questions.

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did have a really awesome comment involving psychodelic mushrooms, but then I read nick's comment and mine became worthless.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better yet, why don't you see how far your mind can take you without the use of added stimulants. It might just blow your mind! It might be nice to actually know what you are talking about when you have those kinds of discussions.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, anonymous:
First, you've obviously never done any of these types of drugs, so why knock it before you've tried it?
Second, I quit doing all drugs a while back, so lay off. The statement doesn't apply if you've never tried them cause they are so mind-boggling that you can't describe what the feeling is like, nor could anyone who's never done it begin to imagine what it is like.
I am just as game for having discussions about this sober as anyone else. But anyone who has ever taken mushrooms or any other psycheodelic drug knows what I'm talking about.
p.s. Mom, is that you?

11:03 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

The only problem is, there is always something is always there to here the sound. As you Americans are apt to do, you forget about the animals. Prick.

Hi Candy.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Nick - it was me. I AM knocking it and will never try it. I don't need psychodelic drugs in order to enhance my existence.
Logan - good point about the animals. I was thinking that very same thing. Hi back by the way. Ken and I might come watch you in your ultimate fighting on March 25th.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hehe, I mistype my "hear". Bah, you would be amazed how this angers and English major.

As for the fight, that would be neato. Let me know if you are going so I can sell you tickets and make money of of my own physical destruction.

The only situation I could think of where the animals wouldn't be about would be, "If a chunk of ice breaks off of an iceshelf in the Antartic, and the penguins are off eating fish somewhere else, does the small make a sound?" Fish don't have ears.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Umm...small = fall. That makes a bit more sense.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Fuck you. Blog.

5:15 PM  

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