Thursday, September 22, 2005

i hate learning

college is no fun. i don't get the whole "we'll teach you very little in class and also give you very little in your reading to try and apply to very hard problems when it comes to homework and tests" approach to helping america's future. this is beyond active learning, it's approaching straight up teaching yourself. i found this easy in high school, but it sure as hell ain't easy now. i finally realized this by switching majors because i just don't think engineering was the path for me. management sounds like a better path, i don't want to be working with a bunch of nerds anyway.

i want beer.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Wow, management, that is a fairly rare major right?

5:39 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hey, I wonder if Scott doesn't like to get into women's pants anymore? Perhaps he prefers skirts or shorts. That is my new theory. Scott only wants pussy in the warm weather. Or he could be gay or asexual or so in love with his own beauty that he has no free time to spend on women as he is busy fondling himself while standing in front of a mirror. Just a theory.

7:07 AM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

to reward my wonderful commenters, i shall respond to your queries. No, yes, no, maybe, and iceberg lettuce.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...


1:43 PM  

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