Tuesday, September 06, 2005

english 101. . . . . . sucks

i have now had two sessions of my english class which is once a week and is supposedly supposed to last 3 1/2 hours. how the hell is that possible? we do so many dumb writing activities i don't know how the teacher could think of anymore for us to do. so far both of the classes have been an hour shorter than they are scheduled for, which has kicked some ass. but i really don't see any reason for them to be longer.

looking back on today, i don't know why i'm even typing right now. i've probly typed a good 9 to 10 pages of random bullshit today for english. not to mention all the other numerous shit i'm pounding at the keyboard for. i think i'm destined for carpal tunnel.

i couldn't run today, my legs hurt like fuck.



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