Wednesday, March 23, 2005

wednesday nights are all right

well logan is being whiney again so here i am to post. i can't comment too much on bowling. we went again this past weekend and i think i somewhat perfected my spin technique. i was pickin up splits and knockin down strikes like nobody's biz. tonight once again commences the wednesday night bowling tradition of thomas, the ham, and i. i plan on whooping some silly ass, but then again, hammel himself had some very good games saturday night. tom. . . . .we'll see. as for now, i must hit my zen mode to prepare for the evening.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

But whining totally works. Remember I associate with Kylie and Jenna, I will soon master the art.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i simply didn't add your name to the list of traditionals for you were not around at the conceiving of this lovely baby that is wednesday night bowling. and even after you started coming, you were sometimes sketchy for you had prior engagements to "run" or some shit. bowling is all the exercise you need my friend. not until you have hit 5 consecutive nights and win a game without tying tom do i consider you a traditional

1:52 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Since I don't really know who it was that wrote that one post on the Eyotan site, I will put this here; if you aren't going to keep us updated on the happenings of your crotch and mind, how about give us some former Eyotan/current Chesterian nonsense on the Eyota site?

I figured that I could whine since B.P. did it first.

9:13 PM  

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