Wednesday, March 09, 2005

and so i am once again humbled

i used to consider myself quite the grammar whiz, but lately i have been catching myself inventing words. just now i realized that the name of my blog had a grammatical error, but i changed it. i'm surprised no one else noticed it, but it is too late now. if anyone can remember and tell me what it was i screwed up, you get +5 and a hug from me.

why is it that we can't invent words? most words are mixes of prefixes, roots, and suffixes. why can't we put our own together? if this had been the case, maybe poor ralph wiggum wouldn't have failed english after all.

well, it might be a while before big penis reads this, but his lazy ass needs to be typing again. we need a revival of the och bloggers. so when you read this "big"(and i emphasize the quotes) penis, give us some writin.


Blogger riptideselkie said...

i make up my own words all the time and use them too until people understand what i mean and then it's time to find new ones. oddly, one or two have caught on at work. Make up your words and grammar too!! After all , if you don't the language may become stagnant.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

During my reading the last couple semesters I have been able to see the birth of several words. Perhaps you are just a soon to be famous writer who can get away with such things. Making up new phrases is much easier though. I usually don't put in the effort to make new words. But I did create the insult "ass-chew" for my roommate last semester and that seemed to catch on, at least with him.

By the way, "A", hopefully that is right, so I can get my five points.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Also, note the Hobbs, you don't have to have proper grammar to be the big slip-dizzle. I hope "Big" Penis can give us some girth to go along with his writing.

5:26 AM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

wow, i love it that people i don't even know comment on my blog. it almost makes me feel famous in a sense. anyways logan, i offer you another chance at guessing because you are wrong. however, it was your correct use of my uncorrectness that caused me to catch my mistake.

my sympathies still go out to poor ralph wiggum

12:41 PM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

strange, in this window where i go to post comments, i can see a previous comment of mine, but it doesn't show up on the page with just the comments. assanine it is. oh well, i'm gonna send this one through and see if the other pops up.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, the first time someone I didn't know commented, it seemed odd. But then I got to read the person's own blog. Also, sometimes the anonymous come around, they are fun.

You didn't forget a S or anything did you? I can't recall at all.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

I just wandered through that person's blog and then a little bit of some that he linked to. He is from Utah, I think. Maybe a Mormon, in my only dealings with Mormons, they tried to seduce me, so don't trust them.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i used the word incontent, not a real word apparently. . . APPARENTLY. . . .whatever. fuck it, csi is on babies.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

You know, I think I wondered about that at the start and figured that you just knew better than me, with the higher test scores and what not. So, I did not question. Didn't even notice the change either, I am quite disapointed in myself.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hey biatch, it is not polite to leave us hanging for over ten days without a post. At least talk about bowling or something.

8:55 AM  

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