Tuesday, March 08, 2005

i would just like to say that amos is famous and his cookies give me a boner.
grape juice is tasty too, but no, this is not of the jesus variety.

what the fuck is up with plastic surgery. people who feel that they need plastic surgery are in dire need for some therapy. you know, i understand that people are going to be judged based on their looks. it's pretty much a subconcious thing what men and women look for in eachother. men like women with high hip to waist ratios which are a sign that the woman is good for childbearing. men also desire a woman with a large bosom as this means she may be better suited for feeding their offspring. women desire muscular men because this is a sign that they may better protect and provide for the family. but seriously, let's lower our benchmarks a little people.

people need to have realistic expectations of themselves and of who they can get with. too many people are much too hard on themselves as far as how they feel about their appearance. same with the way people can be about picking their significant other, some people are shooting way too far out of their league and are creating unrealistic expectations.

one bad thing that i've seen come from this are high maintenance women. i see a few every day on campus, and maybe it's just that i'm catching them on a day that they are dressed up nicely for a reason. but you know that there are girls that get up every day, spend an hour in the bathroom cleaning, doing hair and applying make up and then put on their nicest holister ensemble of a graphic t, pleated jean mini skirt, and ugg boots(who the fuck created these, i'm gonna go off in a little tangent with those later). seriously girls, if you do this type of shit every day, men will stop being impressed with it. then these girls get upset when guys don't act impressed when they get all dolled out in a new outfit. if you look the same as you do every other day of the week, we won't be impressed.

make up should only be for special occasions, seriously. it should be mandatory for women to go a few days of the week without makeup. oh and girls will whine like they feel naked without makeup, fuck that. sometimes you gotta look a little less than fabulous so we know when you look beautiful. otherwise girls being made up just becomes old hat and the level is once again raised for where women must go to impress men. and i see girls every day that look just fine without make up. some might think i'm kissin ass, but i'd have to say that i always think aimee looks great even when she doesn't wear make up. and even when she does get made up she doesn't over do it. the rest of her roommates do. they take forfuckinever to get ready, and it really hasn't produced the greatest results for them.

well now i'm gonna go off on ugg boots. who the hell tried to make these a fashion statement? my first major encounter with these came on a few trips to the mall of america. The first time was in the latter part of the fall, it was still somewhat nice out. so i see quite a few girls walking around in the above outfit i mentioned, miniskirt and uggs. i see this, stop myself for a moment and say "what the fuck?" boots and a miniskirt? wouldn't girls even just a year ago have been chastising others for wearing something so ridiculous as this? it just doesn't look right, big poofy boots and all this exposed leg. but then on my next trip, this is when i had a slight aneurysm of confusion.

i'm walking around the mall again, this time middle of december, quite cold out. the miniskirt isn't exactly the choice attire at this time so most girls are wearing jeans. and what do they accessorize their feet with? uggs. . . . with the pants tucked in. my god, someone shoot me. this trend is just ridiculous, ungodly idiotic. that's not even the icing on this little cake of a story. this first doubletake i have seeing this is nothing compared to the complete onset of siezing i experienced when i saw this next gem of a human being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(drawing out the pause). . . . .a guy. . . . . . . wearing uggs. . . . . . . . yeah. . . . . he had his nice little tight jeans tucked neatly in like every other girl. WTF? please, what happened to the days when it was normal to shop at department stores. not everything was a trend, men didn't have a body type. the only reason your jeans had fade or tears was because they were worn in by your own abuse. damnit america, stop taking whatever is offered to you. ask for more. and men need to stop being little bitches, quit fitting into trends. men shouldn't have trends. there shouldn't be a prep style, a skater style and so on.

well, pretty sure i've talked everyone's ear off, most people probly aren't reading this anymore. but that's all i gotsta say.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, I was a big fan of tucking in socks the first time around in the early nineties and so I must voice my support at this time. After all, I love it when people look funny.
And, only getting dolled up occasionally totally works. I get rubbed on everytime my hair manages to get styled. Which would be three times in the last two or so years. I am a big fan of the female scent, they could totally just get me with that shit.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i have to agree, the scent of a woman is truly what is alluring. scent is what really drives animal instincts anyhow. when i smell good food, my mouth waters. when i smell good perfume, i get a tingle in my loins. ok, it's probly not that durastic, but a woman's scent is truly what makes me crazy. but once again, it can be overdone. i remember when nick was dating emily eichman and she would frickin LAY on the perfume. a little too overpowering, not that attractive.
it all comes down to subtlety, you can't be too subtle with a guy but you can't be too overbearing either, there has to be a middle ground.

5:20 PM  

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