Monday, September 05, 2005

chickooooone uh

i figure i should get into more of a habit with this so i can brush up on my writing skills. i need to get more used to putting thought out on paper for my damned composition class. . . . . . . i hate writing.

after one week of school and one boring weekend with the apartment to myself, i've realized that i like being here. i like this place. i don't picture myself getting sick of this.

i decided to go on a run with the hobbs tonight. don't misconceive this, i didn't run the whole way with him. he dropped me off after probly a 4th of what he was gonna run, but my ass was already kicked. gotta start somewhere though, gotsta get lean for the ladies.

i feel bad because here i spent the first weekend at school only for everyone else to go home, leaving me to my lonesome. now i plan to go home this coming weekend and i bet everyone else will stay here and party and have a good time. i hope to come back to news of "eh, it was alright" or "probly a good thing you went home this weekend." i'd also like a million bucks but i don't picture it happening. i'm happy with my decision to go home though since i'll get to hang out with the gizzle and andrew. and hopefully i'll get some drunk golf in there as well. family gatherings are awesome.

well, since i've started this off with some boring dribble, i think i will exit with a certain thought to ponder. how is there such a thing as reality? All of life is simply perception. you perceive your surroundings through your senses. so how can one trust that their brain is processing the incoming messages in the right way? how do i know that the reality i perceive is not completely different from the one everyone else perceives? i really think i should maybe switch my major to psychology. it's too damn interesting i tell you.

i have yet to type a memoir for my english class tomorrow night. 3-5 pages on a personal experience of some significance. my story will revolve around peeing blood for a week. i have to say that when your pee comes out looking like v-8, you won't dawdle before getting your ass and blood filled bladder to the doctor.

bye for now

p.s. - i'm horny


Blogger Logan Clark said...

You should have taken my Plato and the Problem of Perception class at Hamline. All about reality.
Do you see the same green that I see?

P.S. Who isn't?

8:03 AM  

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