Wednesday, September 07, 2005


i feel like i've been missing the outlet i normally have, someone or some people to talk to when i get bored. frankly i've been bored a lot lately. and since i have been bored so much with no specific outlet, i find myself on here, writing to an outlet with no face.

i'm not even really looking for someone to give me attention, just someone for me to focus my attention on. this isn't a desperate cry for a girlfriend or anything (even though a special interest might be nice). maybe it doesn't even need to be someone to focus on, but something. school should be focused on but that gets boring pretty quick. i guess i've kinda tried with the guitar but i'd like to get some better equipment before i get too involved with that.

i guess i've started to realize that living with your friends isn't the same as just hanging out with them. don't get me wrong, i love the living situation, but just because we're living together doesn't mean we're always hanging out together.

to sum it all up, i need to find something to focus my attention on. . . . .

p.s. - i'm still horny


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Sonya is a liar...and a whore. Scott, I'll be your huckleberry. Now, are you only and outputter or do you like a little input from time to time. Ummm...wink.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i very much like being a listener as well. i tend to like to give my advice though, which i'm learning to be better about and just shut my mouth.

ummm. . . i went with the literal sense there and added no innuendo. . . wink.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

"Ah, I completely comprehend your everything." And you can quote me on the quote (un-quote).

10:31 PM  

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