Sunday, November 20, 2005

remember, someone always has it worse than you

i've decided to get away from bitching about myself and turn this back into more of a social commentary column. much like peter griffin, some things really grind my gears. since my life has been somewhat boring lately, it might be some time before there's any good content on here.

as for now, the most interesting point of my existence seems to be my beard. i have been growing it for about 3 1/2 weeks now and it has nearly grown into a separate entity. it is larger than i and larger than life. i'm not sure how long it will be around though because i have a tropical getaway in the near future and don't need any funny tanlines when i do decide to shave it.

registration is coming soon and i will be deciding my schedule's fate. while most of my classes won't be that interesting, i have to take an HP elective and decided it's going to be tae kwan do. i will hopefully be trained in the arts of ass-kicking prevention. maybe i'll also learn some nifty tricks to impress the ladies or atleast gain pickup lines like "i'm a 3rd degree turqoise belt." i don't know if that means anything but more than likely neither will they. and if i use a color other than black it will be harder for them to call bullshit.

well, i guess that's about it. so for now, keep on doin weird shit for me to make fun of.
palabra a tu madre.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

A fun fact: sunlight seems to come through a beard to a decent degree. I grew mine during the months of may, june, and july. When it was shaved off, there was little to no tanline existence despite my outdoor work. Keep it up stud.

9:12 AM  

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