Monday, November 28, 2005

thanks for nothin

well this was a thanksgiving weekend that will quickly be forgotten. although there was some productiveness, it was mostly plagued by boredom. wednesday night was started off with me attempting to register, only to be thwarted by a damn access code that was required for my old major but no longer for my new. therefore i still have not even registered since my advisor hasn't even responded to my email. the night then continued with my brother and i imbibing spirits and climaxed with us writing messages to members of the band we will be seeing on new years eve in an attempt to get back stage. (note to self: never use brother and climax in the same sentence.)

thanksgiving was a rather average day. while i have to say i had the best meal i've eaten in ages and my cousin so kindly supplied me with a nice sampling of good beers, it was pretty low key and ended quickly as we needed to get back to rochester. thursday night, i can't believe i'm saying this, i got to work. i'm so poor, i'm surprised i haven't resorted to givin out 5 dollar hand jobs. ah, the good ol bakery, it brought back memories. either way, nothing too special to mention about it.

friday, sat on my ass all day. went out and drank, got rather drunk. pretty lowkey, again nothing special. on saturday i helped fish clean the bakery and brought my total weekend working hours up to 7. that should be a sweet paycheck. then, with nothing left to do, andrew and i hung out and watched movies.

oh, i guess i have this to complain about. so saturday night i was givin a fucking parking ticket in eyota for parking on the street. my eyotianness is fading, i was not aware that cops could fuck you over by giving you a ticket overnight for snow removal. even if there was no snow. my dad offered this little insight that i caught the cop after a bad night. apparently friday night there was a fracas at the green day where a cop was escorting a man outside and got headbutted by him. if last names mean anything, apparently this was the same cop that wrote my ticket the next night. strange karma.

i went and bought some necessities at walmart tonight like brita filters and camera film. i also bought a large tub of coffee since i just brought back a coffee maker. maybe a 24 hour coffee binge while make me exciting or atleast give me enough motivation to do something. anyway, i bought that large tub of coffee but the clerk sneakily placed it in its own bag and did not turn the bag thing around my way so i left it at walmart. fuckers.

by the way, to those of you who were out shopping friday morning. you corporate cocksuckers. i didn't really go out and witness this or watch news to see about it, but i still despise the holiday shopping season. we had entertained the idea of driving around and yelling Holy Scriptures to those waiting outside stores, reminding them that materialism is sinful and takes away from the true meaning of christmas. too lazy to do that though, plus we would have had to get up early. other than that, i don't think i have much to make fun of.

now i will leave you with a little fact:
chuck norris is not hung like a horse, horses are hung like chuck norris.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Ah, a theory related to the Law of Saget. In this one, Chuck Norris is God. Someday Saget vs Norris will happen and fate of the world depends on it.

Wednesday, you shouldn't be so cheap and you could have come to the bar with the other minors.

Thurs through Fri I can not be blamed for. Sat, a long weekend away, you think I was coming to see you?

Coffee is evil, I should yell holy scriptures at you related to that one.

Lastly, do it. You have year to prepare.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i should yell Holy Scriptures at your for not capitalizing Holy Scriptures.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nope; there are so many holy scriptures that, unless you designate a specific religion and set of scriptures, it would not actually be capitalized.

You Midwesterners who don't even acknowledge the existence of other cultures or religions are disgusting. It isn't as if Jesus was the first religious figure to come out against materialism and in favore of helping the poor.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

seeing as i'm christian, you should assume so. and don't tell me you are a man free of assumptions. by the way, next time i am at your house i will be taking back the few pieces of bologna you owe me.

2:19 PM  

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