Monday, July 17, 2006

dog days of summer

i see i haven't updated this in awhile. truth be told there's been very little to talk about. the amount of fun this summer has been pretty minimal. work has actually become the major role in my life. It's kind of weird too cause once i actually have the power to earn enough money to do things and have fun, i can't find anything to do with it.

the other sad thing is that this summer is flying by. no adventure, no summer lovin, just workin and livin. the good news is i'm only two days away from leaving for the cabin de foss. i can finally get away from the drudgery that is my existence and just relax.

i have to say, i'm eager to get back to mankato. less than a month away so that's good news. well party people, enjoy your summer and send me some lovin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta tell you, I'm bored with life right now, too. I really can't wait to get back in school and get back to living on my own again. It has been sort of a productive year, but at the same time, it has been extremely boring. I need to get back out there with people my age again.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am going to stick with banging 14 year olds.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


that is all.

3:25 AM  

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