Sunday, January 28, 2007

another year come and gone

well, it has once again been quite the hiatus since my last posting. it really has been a reflection of what's been going on in my life as of lately. same old biz.

winter break:
it came and went. i drank too much, slept too much. didn't work or work out as much as i should have. it was great to get home and visit old friends a few times. that whole good ol' days story. i have to say though i don't necessarily miss my old hometown. a rather boring place.

now onto the new semester at hand. i'm only taking 14 credits, and no class has been too overwhelming at this point. the one thing i have to say though is that my class times suck. mostly the morning ones. i still haven't gotten used to the early mornings so i often waste my afternoon breaks with naps. it's all kinda killed my workout schedule too.

that kinda sucks because hopefully i can sexify myself a little before spring break since i'll actually be able to afford to go somewhere nice.

the social scene has been pretty decent lately, meetin a few new people and whatnot. nothing strong on the lovefront but who knows. i still definitely want to leave my options open at this point.

i'm coming off of a wonderful knock on wood scenario. wednesday night i'm workin with a guy who's real sick and i tell him how it's great cause i haven't been sick all winter and i figure it's cause i've been keepin my nutrition pretty well. well sure enough i go and get sick not a day or two later. so i've pretty much been sick and lazy all weekend.

for some reason i feel like february is gonna be a depressing month. most of my close friends will be turning 21 basically leaving me as one of the very few in my group that isn't. should provide for some interesting party experiences except for the fact that i'll be around for the short bit of party til everyone else runs off to the bar, and then i guess i'll just get to sit around, cry, and touch myself.

atleast the year seems to be moving at a quick enough pace that my birthday will approach quickly. hell, we're already almost done with january and have about 1/8 of the semester done. all seems pretty sweet to me.

well then, guess i'm off to put off homework and avoid being productive. it'll get done at some point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

About fuckin time T-Tocs

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you meet a sweet young thing - I want to hear about it!

3:35 PM  

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