Tuesday, November 14, 2006

cruel intentions

it's 2 am and i have yet to start a paper that's due tomorrow(today). don't worry, i napped from like 10 to 11:30, so staying up shouldn't be a problem. straightening out my thoughts is gonna be tough though. actually just forming some thoughts is going to be kind of tough.

i'm working on my last philosophy paper of the semester, and it's based on this. which is more correct, the view that actions are morally relevant in a way that thoughts are not, or the view that we are equally morally responsible for thoughts and actions?

now, i'm not having trouble with the question. i feel that thoughts are as morally relevant as actions. and i have a few good ideas as to how i will portray that. the problem is, these philosophy paper aren't just graded on grammar. for all of these papers, we have to relevantly tie our readings to our arguments and make a good cohesive paper. each one has posed a different problem. some, i've had a difficult time understanding the materials properly to defend my point. on another, i just wasn't very affected by the issue to write a passionate paper. on this last one, i'm just not sure what to pull from the reading.

these papers have to be of a persuasive paper, and they have to have a solid argument. there's one big flaw from the class, though, that's hurt me, and i'm sure numerous other people. we do a lot of critiqueing on these papers. we even have big class discussions and look at papers together. the problem is we've looked at 100 wrong papers, but never really looked at a good paper. so basically i'm still not really sure how to write a good paper.

at this point in the class, i'm not really sure where i stand for a grade either. the papers are graded on a 10 point scale and i've gotten two 8's and a 7. all other writing is graded on a check minus, check, check plus scale. so i don't know how that all adds up. my guess, i'm sittin in B territory. i could just be surprised by an A though, or maybe even get blindsided by a C.

the class is interesting and all, i enjoy the topics we discuss and i feel like i'm getting valuable things from it. i'm just not sure that this whole grade thing is really gonna work out properly. with the ideas we throw around for these papers, it's going to be very hard for people to get good grades. it seems like there should be a lot of wiggle room with this stuff, cause who's to say how right or wrong our arguments are in such a broad subject as ethics?

who knows. i should quit wasting my time typing on here and start typing something worthwhile in word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched Cruel Intentions last weekend for the first time. Pretty screwed up movie, but I am pretty much in love with Reece Witherspoon. I'd Witherspoon her for sure.

5:46 PM  

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