Wednesday, May 11, 2005

i learned a bit about life today

today i begin the journey of the rest of my life. today the path i thought i was heading down took a very sharp turn that i wasn't expecting. and today i realized that no matter what path life sends me down, i am going to cross the finish line with my chin held high and realize that i did my best in life to love myself, love others, and love earth.

in the beginning, i did a lot of questioning. why would god show me that there are many evils in this world. why do i have to experience first hand the heart break that can tear a soul apart? and i realized that this was my first true test of faith. and from the way i feel, after only completing this first day, i think i passed god's test with flying colors. i realized my faith is still strong that a path in life has been chosen for me, and that i will make the most of this path.

i have learned in the past few years that i am not a hard man to please. the thing i desire most in life is to simply have the company of good friends and family, and this i know i have. i know that people care about me because i care about them. i always craved success and power, to be the best and have everyone notice me. but i don't care that i impress a lot of people. i truly only need to be impressive to one person. and i never want to think about what i can get more than i want to think about what i can give. the greatest gift i now receive in life is knowing that i make someone's day brighter, that i have spread happiness in this world that is now filled with hate and greed.

the thing is, i've learned a hell of a lot about love these past two years. i really can't thank this person enough for what they've taught me about myself and what they've taught me about love. i've felt feelings that i never knew i could feel before, the most powerful feeling that humans can have, and this is love. i've seen the positive and i've definitely seen the negative, but i know the love that i will find in the future will be the best love of all. sometimes life doesn't turn out the way you expect it, but there are always greener pastures.

i now only hope that everyone can learn that true happiness does not come from getting what you want in life, but giving someone else what they want and realizing it makes them happy, and that they appreciate what you've done for them.

resentment only adds to the darkness of the world, but acceptance and forgiveness are what keep it turning. so realize that our life on earth is way too short to only concern ourselves with what we can get, and that we should all be thinking about what we can give.