Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the ying to our yang

it's funny, because after newly becoming single, i tried not to harbor resentment, and i think it worked. but strangely, afterwards, it has slowly grown. not just for one, but for a vast majority of the female population. i still will not categorize all women, but it seems a good abundance to fall under what i am about to speak of. . . . . .

women are responsible for all of their own problems. as much as they think they are trying to be good, positive, fun loving people; they cause drama, and they cause a lot of it. i can look now and see that women either put themselves in dramatic situations, or even when they did not come into drama under their own power, do nothing to free themselves of drama or resolve the problem. and all of these women that have problems with drama can't even see that they can take control of the situation and right all wrongs or rid of all woes. no, instead they just complain and wallow in self pity, only exacerbating their depressed, sorry state.

and it's not only drama they cause with other women, they do the same shit with guys. and that often seems to be the bigger problem. "why is this guy such an asshole to me?" "why won't this guy respect me?" guess what, your actions determine how others treat you. if you don't want guys to be jealous assholes, then you can't flirt as much as you'd like. as much as you want to have fun and be free, you have to make yourself a special person. you have to learn that you can't share too much of yourself with too many people or you'll soon find that no one thinks you are special. and if you want guys to be chivalrous, then you have to have some grace. guys don't like lushes. learn how to focus your attention on the right relationships, the ones where you know someone isn't just trying to get something from you.

last but not least, find some fuckin self esteem. who cares if guys aren't fallin at your feet. put yourself out there a little bit, but don't put too much of yourself out. then you'll be able to distinguish between a guy who's just running game on you, and one who is actually interested. make your company and your attention special and guys will treat you that way. you shouldn't need a guys attention to feel good about yourself. the weaker you look, the easier it's gonna be for some guy to take advantage of you, and then you've just become an object.

i could rant longer, but i'll save some for a later date.