Tuesday, May 02, 2006

the post remains the same

this post is mainly going to be me expressing why people suck. i'm not talking about certain people, pretty much people collectively. i'm definitely part of the problem, but i feel like i'm seeing more and more of people who are much more ignorant on the issue i speak of.

i'm pretty much talking about complaining about the other gender. i guess what has spurred this discontent for me is a recent series of articles by a female writer for our school newspaper. she pretty much said how she holds an overall low opinion of the male populous on campus. she complained about the pompous jerks and the overdressed narcissists. yet i constantly hear about girls talking about how they like a guy with confidence and the muscley, well attired men. i hate to break it to you but those qualities tend to crossover into vain asshole 90% of the time.

men are usually no better, often looking to hook up with girls, but that just leads to condescension. i can often make the same complaints about girls, saying how it's hard to find any girl i'm really interested in. how there aren't any cool girls on campus, just stuck up girls that worry more about their looks and teasing dick than anything else.

but i realized it's all just one big similar problem. the problem is that people suck. some people suck as people. other people just suck at judging people. i think i suck at judging people. i tend to generalize and prejudge. i also nitpick. and that's what the problem is.

another part of that is the minority that represents the majority. instead of seeing that 75% of the people out there are cool people who like to have a good time, people only remember the 25% of people who are crazy drunk fools that break shit and sleep with randoms. my percentages could be off, but basically i'm trying to say that people notice the bad more than the good. cause the good hardly comes to the surface. the bad is always on the surface though.

there needs to be some kind of social event or place where only good people can go. no sketchy chicks or douchey guys allowed. the problem with this is it's damn near impossible to differentiate. everyone has their less than great qualities and bad mistakes. this leaves people to remember them by their prejudgements or incidently asshole-ish first impressions.

for some reason i'm guessing i've had a few of these moments. those who know me pretty well get my sense of humor. but i probably screw up first impressions with my sarcasm and come off as an asshole. other times i probly just come off as negative nancy. oh well, those who know me like me pretty well so i don't think i should change.

i guess what i’m trying to say is please be a little open minded. this gender prejudice needs to be stopped or it’s going to lead to gender-relation disaster.