Tuesday, October 24, 2006

know thyself

this may sound weird to some, but i'm really getting sick of thinking about myself. not just in the terms of doing things for myself, because i'm finally making progress on doing good things for myself. i'm talking strictly the thinking portion. my inner-monologue is getting tired.

right now it'd be kinda nice to have someone else to worry about. i miss the days of being infatuated with someone, whether reciprocated or not.

they say love is a drug, well i haven't had a fix in awhile. booze is growing old, i'm actually thinking of going sober for awhile. and i'm not gonna venture into the world of illicit drugs, those would probly hurt my current health goals. not to mention many other good reasons to not do them. . . . (mom).

right now i think i'm getting sick of all the introspection. too much time to think about myself has made me go past reaffirming who i am and onto personal revision. maybe it's not so much that i'm revising myself. i've gone past all the big stuff, covered that. now i'm nitpicking the details.

i think philosophy really has been the death of me. too much talk of "right" and "wrong" is really starting to cause me to eliminate the words from rationale. is there really such a thing as "right" or "wrong". can i really identify anything about myself as "right" or "wrong"? what should be fixed, why should i fix it, and how?

it's kind of one of those situations where something turns your world upside down, but here i'm just doin it to myself. it's not that bad in any means, just a way to illustrate my point.

i have way too much time to think about myself and it's going beyond being a good thing.