Monday, February 26, 2007

out with the old

so i switched over to the new blogger. whoopedydoo!!!! i have a rather boring evening ahead of me because the homework load is light and such and such. also, i still feel it to be too dangerous to venture out and about for any out-of-home chores. therefore i will remain indoors and likely waste hours in front of the tv.

take care now, bye bye then

Friday, February 02, 2007


i hate the music thing in myspace. about 90% of the songs i hear i don't really care for. it gets really annoying when you're browsing around a person's page and every time you go back to the main one you have to stop the fucking song again. i like the idea that it's good for people trying to promote their bands, that being the original intention of myspace. however, not a big fan of the rest of it. that is all.

i now hate winter. i've been a fan of snow and snowstorms, just cause i think i'm a fan of storms in general, but i now hate winter. we've been in a cold streak for about a week, and now i get to go work in the cold. forecasts of highs in the negatives and 30 below windchills can really ruin a weekend.

stride gum lasts extra long? bullshit. i wish there would be some way to pull a lawsuit on these fuckers for false advertising.


i didn't show up for work this past friday due to a combination of things. upon returning to work yesterday after a week long break, i discovered that there wasn't even a write up for me. maybe it slipped under the radar?? ah well. also, wednesday is the only night i work next week, making for one LONG mike hammel's birthday weekend. maybe i'll actually have some fun.