Wednesday, October 06, 2004

short and sweet

well i'm sitting in the computer lab again, yippee. rather pissed about the twin's loss tonight, but atleast we kept them damn yankees fans quiet for a little while. i'd just like to say, be prepared for a good story or two after this weekend. i plan on making somethin happen. . . .

Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday night

It's monday night, 11:45, and here I sit in my dorm's computer lab. Never did I ever picture myself as bored as I was today. So bored was I that I decided to do homework. I decided to accomplish something. If my parents could only see me now. Well there isn't a whole lot on my mind to obsess about right now, I mostly just created this so I could comment on other people's blogs and dump bucket after bucket of dry sarcasm on them. But i'm sure I'll have some lovely stories for the future. Because this weekend is homecoming, and I don't plan to be sober for much of it. Goodbye for now and don't forget to love your mother.