Monday, November 29, 2004

well i have to say, FUCK THIS WEBSITE! i have a new sympathy for my fellow posters as i just lost a post of mine own too. damn web page wouldn't load the fucker. fuck shit piss ass dick. ok, done. anyway, my post had something to do with thanksgiving and eating and getting fat and drinking beer and self fornication. all things attached to pretty much every holiday. moral of my condensed story: thanksgiving is a calorie filled weekend.
well, i only have 9 days of class and 4 days of finals left, OH MY GOD!!! but that means going home and very hopefully even though unhappily getting a job. i hope to find one that keeps me out of the public eye because i hate the hellish season of holiday shopping. nothing but edgy people not knowing what to get looking to pick up deals on this, get the last thing of that. everyone turns into the biggest asshole because there's so much pressure attached to christmas and it's materialisticness. and i would like to do anything i could to avoid all of these assholes so i don't become one myself. this means finding a dirty grunt job which i'd like anyway. a man who can't use his hands isn't a man after all. and i don't mean dragging items across a scanner.
well anyway, let's remember what the holidays are really for. not hoping to get all the presents you asked for but for eating, getting fat, drinking, and self fornicating. merry xxx-mas to all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What ya gonna do when they come for you?

you know, reality tv has become a staple of modern media, quite a new craze. but the fact is, reality tv has been around longer than most think. and i believe that new reality tv has greatly tainted the image of "reality." the fact is, i believe we are all ignoring what has to be the greatest and most pure reality show in the history of tv.

COPS! seriously, such a simple idea. It already happens, just throw a camera in there. now THAT is reality tv. and i love it, so much better than every other show. you get to see all angles of the spectrum of society. ok, almost always the lower spectrums. but it combines everything; action, comedy, drama. it is reality and then it's tv. it's like the new kids on the block of reality tv.

here's a few questions i have about the show though:
how many people that run from the cops think they can actually get away?
what percentage of people are messed up on something when they're on the show?
what percentage of people on the show have a full set of teeth?
when are they gonna do COPS Eyota?

well i guess that's all i got for now. gotta go plop myself in front of the tv again. COPS is on!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Avast, ye computer is back!

i finally got my computer back, yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i can spend countless hours wasting time in my room rather than getting homework done. they say computers are wonderful tools for homework but i actually find it a giant distraction. maybe i'll spend more time in my dorm room now though. and i can finally look at all my naughty sites that i felt too ashamed to look at down in the computer lab.
well, having my computer now possibly spells good news for my blog cause i actually might feel like adding to it now and then. ass for now, i'm not feeling too expressive. i mostly just want to surf the net for useless information and peruse my buddy list for more acquaintances to chat with.