Sunday, December 11, 2005

goodbye semester

god i drank a lot of beer this weekend. i can't be sure about the final count since one night was keg drinkin night and i had a few of other people's beers. i drank my whole case worth's though besides the extras. Strange that the night i drink the most leaves me with the mildest hangover. well all and all it was a fun weekend.

it was weird to go from one party of pretty much nothing but dudes one night to a party that was predominantly chicks the next night and not have much more fun. plus none of these girls seemed in the mood to meet random dude so no fun for me there. topic for comments: tips on approaching women. i'd preferably like some insight from ladies as to how to be a little more aggressive without comin across as a dumbass. i just see dudes trying to mack on girls at some of these soirees and i find it embarassing for the male species the type of shit these guys say and do. what's more embarassing is that women seem to eat that shit up half the time. it's so transparent. a man who you've never met who overbearingly attempts to charm you only wants something. love at first sight is bullshit.

anyway, i'd just like to know a little more respectful, gentlemanlike way to meet a lady who's into mouth kissing and maybe other things.

so anyway, it's quarter after 1, i have a final at 8, and i'm probly just gonna stay up all night. i might have to brew a few more cups of coffee. why is it that i'm distracted by shit that i don't even find entertaining. i sit here and mindlessly explore the internet even when there's nothing entertaining to it.

and as for the perp who impersonated my mom, she has become my newest blog fan. i guess that's a warning to you others out there that might mention something naughty about my mother. big ups to diane.

hi logan.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

to all my fans

i decided to switch my thing to allow anonymous comments since i seem to hear from others that they read my blog, but the only person to ever comment is logan. it's pretty much just evolved into a drawn out conversation between us.

anyway, feel free to give me shit when i whine about something so i can realize when i'm bein a pussy. or just tell me you love me or lust after my hot bod. and if that's the case, leave some contact information so we can further discuss my hot bod.

another little fact for you all:
in his younger age, chuck norris offered to sell his soul to the devil for unlimited martial arts capability. the devil obliged, and shortly after the transaction was made, chuck norris delivered a roundhouse kick to the devil's face and took his soul back. the devil simply laughed it off as he appreciates irony. besides, he should have seen it coming.